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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Get Out Of The Devils Orchard: Dream Catchers

Dream Cathers BlogTalk Show
Becoming A Survior

I normally do not post shows I am on nor listen - today is very different. It was for male survivors.  Boe, has a dynamic story and a special caller I know, as does many who know me, called in and spoke out for the first time. The program is two hours and posted at the end of this post.

At first he was not sure if he wanted to use his first name or not so he used "Nick". I oopsied once, but he did not mind at all.   

As I was in my office - a bit nervous because he had not spoke out before aside from me and telling a little at a time until April 2011 when I just came out of ICU, a few people who never believe a word he has to say or email when he vented will be very surprised. 

He was across the street  in a serene area.  His story begins around 19 minutes into the show and at first he was a bit shaky so I had to ask him to explain his childhood and how he felt. From there he spoke out and did a damn good job for the first time ever...making him a true THRIVER. I encourage you to listen to the full show.  Everone on who shared a story is probably someone you know in your life because 1-2 children are abused in some way. Abuse is abuse. Not just sexual.

What he wanted to say something as he lost connection and I had spoke about it until he was back on.  And there is a females perspective of having those we love in our life  I spoke about, as did Boe on a males perspective.   I will be posting two links later. Boe and Toms.  I very much enjoyed Tom. We both are on the same level of thriving and forgiveness.

Some survivors really want to have their family with them and not have them feel as if the "victims as a child" was let down because they did not see what was going on in the house.  Many feel ashamed or think all we feel is anger and cannot let go of the past. Once healed. Truly healed, that subject only becomes a subject with other survivors. Not our immediate family nor friends unless it becomes a conversation by others.  Who wants to talk about abuse when you are having Thanksgiving? Not me!

We don't live every minute speaking of abuse. Anyone on my private FB knows me as me. Not the advocate. 

Even though we do not wish to be around those who still abuse, the family members who were unaware of it should not feel as if they let us down.  Boe on the other hand, as a male - has not had contact with his family in 30 years and is just fine with it. In fact, he prefers it. Markus feels the same way.  Male verses female is polar opposites, yet we still have so much in common.

Normally I do not go into details as I had on this show.  I have a  DocuDrama coming out Leaving The Lion Behind (you can googl it) so I did not want to let out too much and I have my second book Unbridled coming out that does include a bit of what I do say that has was not in my first book.  Unbridles is much like Inborn Justice. You may want to throw it, as a reader said during one chapter, but all have said they could not put it down.

Because of "Nick" who has no problem using his real name now. It is Markus. He has made a deep connection with Boe even though their abuse was very different as was their life; abuse is abuse and the life challenges is like an evolving door. How we deal with things does effect who we are as I explain on this show. It is a proven scientific fact that our brain are quite different from those who were not abused.  Depending on the severity.

For those who are victims, once, twice it does not matter. Our innocence no matter what the abuse is or how long it is; triggers us at different ages and once we come to the point of rationalism and acceptance; an enormous wave or tidal wive that has submerged us goes back out to sea. Where it belongs. That does not mean we still do not have our moments of pain. It just means we are aware that when we feel a bit anxious or uncomfortable around specific people or places it is because of a time in the past that was traumatizing. Easily dealt with by excusing yourself while being polite.

The Devil is in the orchard everywhere.  It is up to us survivors, thrives or in recovery to make that step out and not return to that familiar place we once lived in.  I will nor will Markus ever feel comfortable with loud mouth people who point fingers and call you a liar, stupid, not doing something right or someone that continue's to reflect back on the past that has already been dealt with.  Those who continually drag us down are simply not a part of our life. And, we do not care.  We see them as drug addicts who will eventually die of an overdose no matter what we do or say.  There is a time when one must walk away from the Devil.

Case and point; If you are always called a liar as a child over and over.  Making it up for attention, at some point in life you may think you are a survivor.  Not in one year, two or three. Their comes a crashing wave thats going to hit. It splits as Noah's did - only survivors, thrivers, whatever you rather use, have two roads.  One road.  You recognize you are just like your abuser and you continue to be the perpetrator and call others a liar or mock people for accomplishing things in life.  The other road is life. The tree of life.  Exepting not everyone has the freedom to be there for you every second or being able to live on your own. Making your own choices by accepting the love or rejecting it - by creating your own minds drama while the other person is wondering "what did I just do?"  How did we go from wrapping presents 4 hours ago to 2 a.m. text of bitch session about something that took place 4 years ago?  "Wow, I ran out of gas and got stuck on a road four year ago and your still holding that anger?"  VICTIM not SURVIVOR.  How did the mind just split in two when 4 hours ago we were laughing?

Let's face it. No mater the age, a perpetrator perpetrates any age. Be it a child, a teen, a college student an adult.  Family member or even your own child.  Until they recognize that they are taking that path and seek help or work through what is causing them to be a perpetrator as my STALKER - there will never be a chance for a true long lasting relationship with anyone because you find yourself being with someone who is just like an abuser and survivor do not want perpetrators near them. 

An non recovering woman will find a man who is on drugs, lazy, unstable and of no value at all and stay because of the kids. A man will stay, be quiet, submissive, hold in their emotions and normally merry someone just as their abuser because of the comfort zone. Woman do as well.

What point do we stop being the victim and start becoming the survivor?  

When you realize we, you, I - do not need that environment and do not want to be associated with drama, bullies, people who walk over you or of no value. They may laugh at times, let you do what you want without giving an opinion, but opinions to the victim is not conversation. To them it is being scolded. A battle.  Example; "I think the baby may have hazel eyes."  "NO! The doctor said 100% they will be blue!" In a stern voice. Step back..You do not need that person anywhere near you until what they are dealing with is resolved. You are their dart board. Time for therapy!

The moral of this show means a lot to me because I know several people right now who are not of help to anyone yet say they are wanting to be helpful and pretend they can. 

One, I just may add onto my stalkers friends list because at this point in time she is not realizing that many victims are out there suffering because of this stalker and as she states she knows her. Has her information and still contacts me; I finally put an end to it.  It is obvious she is still a victim and at this point does not care about anyone who is in need of her help. If she says who she says she is.  

Anyone who claims to be  stalked and harassed yet suddenly emails and says she knows where she is and who her family is and does not give me any details makes me think....Is she a victim or is she just prying for information because she is still working with the STALKER because they constantly go back and forth "as friends."   Even though stalker claims she is a "troll" and tells everyone she is. I get an email from her maybe twice a year. Always about harassment.

When Rev. Grund begins to associate her as if she and I are some kind of team out of the blue, I know the STALKER and him are still associated and the STALKER is still calling her partner or ex a troll to everyone.  

False on friends or team. I do not need anyone such as this in my life. 

This person contacts me only. I reply and she only shows up when the stalking begins again.  So this tells me 1. she is a friend. 2. she may be a victim still in a victim stage. 3. She could be the STALKER.

This also applies to someone else. Who clearly had became the person whom abused her verbally during a time when she needed her family the most as a child. Being called a liar when she was abused. 

Sadly, on the outside she appears like my mother did. Perfect.  Inside it is a tornado and nothing ever goes right and everyone who loves her the most and wants to give her all they have. Inside and out. But they are attacked. The ones whom are closest to her when she feels confrontation.  When it is just a question. Clearly still a victim.

Allowing this "changed person" a chance to be in my life was the wrong thing to do.  I even told my little one, Leah, I was scared.  "I bet she needs something."  This makes no sense and as much as she says she wants time, I've seen her 5 times in 6 months. 3 we shopped with my credit card.  Not that I think she understands what she was doing, but something triggered her to drop out of the sky and fabricate a list of what she thought I needed to hear instead of giving me what I really wanted which was just time. Fun. Our relation back. She reacted on impulse.  

While she had no support from her counter part equal allowing anyone into his life that has an opinion. Not a demand. We all chit chat. However we all have lines as well. 

I am not going to sit in my neighbors house all day when I am allergic to her cats. All 8 of them! That's my right. But I am not going to be mean to her for having 8 cats and she is welcome here anytime. And, I am not going to bitch she was able to get a new car, washer, dryer and go on a vacation.  Go girl! I'm saving for that as well.  This is all about victims. Because victims react to petty things. As the above had.

It did not start until 4 years ago, but clearly her path is on the wrong side of the road.  Hiding friends from others and acting out or denying and lying while pointing fingers at others is just as much as the perpetrator she had as a child.  

She can do her nails. As my mother did.  Put on her makeup. As my mother did. Wear nice clothes. As my mothere did.  Look like the 2.5 family and appear to others she is perfect.  However, she is not. My mother died because of hiding. 

Instead of being open and honest she is living in a closet of lie's upon lie's upon lie's. I was a secret.  A huge secret.  So much of a secret, I did not know I was a secret until someone thought or asked about me. Then said, "I did not know you two were friends?

The ones that were the abuser, are the abuser or is controlling her. Or, she is now a perpetrator not in recovery. As my mother was. 

My husband can see or be with anyone he wants to be with. As can I. He cannot drive, so come pick him up. He has his own mind and own choices in life.

So back to this friend in the Devils Orchard. Still living in the world of a victim.  Traumatized as children and  taking the same path of traumatizing those who love her more than anything on the planet if she would just go into recovery and walk away from the same pattern.

Healing and admitting one needs help can be the most challenging thing in ones life. For those who love them; it is the most rewarding thing in life. Just as an alcoholic. We want or loved ones in recovery and if it's real love, we support them more.

Just because someone has changed from Bud to bud light and still drink 2  12 packs a day, does that make that person any-less of an alcoholic. And, why is someone praising the fact of weight loss instead of sobriety?  The drinking, the smell, the sweat, the confined environment is all apart of not recognizing not only have they not changed but now you will not recognize when someone close to you, that once had it together, is in need of help.  They feed off each other. Therefore the victim returns to the abuser for praise and that is a hard pattern to break. Forgetting about the abuse is not the way we heal.  Recovery, seeing the abuser recover and forgiveness is how we heal. Each step. One by one. Now both are healed and a new light appears. One of understanding and conversing. Instead of negativity and lighting striking you as you lay on the beach laughing in Palm Springs.

So this episode I am posting is for everyone because there is a Devil In Every Orchard. I do not care if you are a Doctor. A Pastor. A. Congressman or policeman. Rich, poor, black, yellow, white.  Abuse knows no bounds.  It is worse than cancer because it's not only genetic it is and can be passed down to every single person the abuser is with until they reach a point when they stop holding their breath and reach up and grab the hand that loves them for help and recovery.  It's a cycle and I already see the verbal abuse and more coming. Having your children lie for you is not appropriate. Lying in front of your child is worse.

How many people follow me on this and how many have had to deal with a revolving door relationship before you finally say enough is enough? When you can give me as much as I give you, come back. Work on yourself. I will be open arms when you start surviving.  Because every step you are making is going down hill. The beach is a long ways away from the desert!

Drastic change as I end that subject.

As I stated on the show. Inborn Justice: A Daughter's Courage, a Mother's Heart will be donating half of proceeds 2 more months to Dream Catchers and the other half to ChilLures.  I encourage all to purchase it from Dream Catcher link below before my send book is complete or email me.  It is graphic, it is not for a young child but it is of two stories. Myself and my daughter who had a national headline case with Attorney Gloria Allred.  

Once it goes into second printing I will not have a say in the donations. And, those who purchase at other sites are either A. Stolen from the publisher (two boxes) or B. Not benefiting any organization. I have never made a penny off the first edition because I wanted to help the charities and others who were in need of money, such as families of an abducted child and in need of funds and organizations. 

A large loss was taken when Borders and Books was suppose to send the checks to ChildLures. They made a lot of money because no money was sent to anyone.  Since then it has been removed from all sites and stores. 

It is a 5 Star book and a top seller at all charity functions, workshops, so on and so forth and only a limited left.

I am now at a point in life were advocating (pro-bono) is cases per case.  However abduction cases for book signings and spoke person is still pro-bono aside from flight if I am limited on funds. I now must utilize my skills of writing non-fiction as a career to continue my journey to help pass more bills and locate a separate building to do our work.  We have run out of space.  

Anyone who has any office space in Clearlake Oaks, Nice, Glenhaven or Lucerne; please contact me at our new work number 415-747-1984.

Any donation for 288a Reform is welcome as we begin our PAC.  It is not deductible until we have the funds to complete our PAC that is intricate.  However, we are learning as we go.

Enjoy the show.
Wayanne P.O. Box 1084 Clearlake Oaks, CA. 95423.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wayanne's Stalker. Stalking Stark.AKA BB11.

I did not delete or remove. I am working on a totally separate page for all the updates.

Again, if you came here because this STALKER claims I employ Timothy Holmseth that is inaccurate.  I've tried to have many things taken down and changed with Timothy, most whom are in journalism take a story and go.  A lot is chit chat now posted as "fact." However, The Regan's are creeps and that is a true story!

I have never in my life had an employee.  Just as a fruit loop Dr. and his gang tried to lay that on me, that as well backfired and the work I do has nothing to do with exposing anyone unless they are abusing a child or it is a abducted case and someone is harming innocent people for 15 minutes of fame.

I am an advocate and author. I am 98.% private advocate and almost all my clients and all sources use snail mail because of my work.

I have not been legally sued, nor arrested or stalked and harassed anyone. I have had 2 traffic tickets in 30 years and no accident. Aside from a deer hitting me.

I despise drama.  However, I do research and write in a field with bad people and that does cause an uproar here and there especially because they are rapists and child molesters. Even a killer!

If you read my name on Levi's blog, he is a jackass with another loud mouth and his 15 minutes of fame did not last long. I even gave him tips at one time. Too bad he had to run his mouth into the ground.  People like this do not make it on TV for long.  When you never hear sympathy, ever, you are going down the drain fast.  His toilet has been flushed.

Journalists and advocates do not turn on each other.  That is a rule we all stand by. No matter if we agree or disagree. Just do not turn on each other.  There is no competition.  We all support each other just as artists do. This field goes up and goes down just as a celebrity.  However, I am not famous. Why Stalking Stark is so obessed with me is mind boggling.

This site is about catching a stalker.  Until this person is located, I will continue to post, take calls and write anything and everything I know that is true. And my thoughts.

If you are a victim call me and I suggest you go to A dear advocate who works endless hours for our children. Search "stalking" or "cyber stalking".  My site will be up at I hope this weekend.  My work load has set me back as has this STALKER.

Now onto Stalker. Obviously it's the same bloodline and/or person because of the nose, however, the age does not match the date this picture was taken. Read on.

And again, more victims and fake accounts continue.  Thus far have not heard one person tell me they were able to locate her to serve her if her name is Christine Ann Stark or Donna Tharp. However, more harassment that does trail back to many fake accounts continue.

Her habitual obsession on The Anthony's, William Staubs, Rev. Grund. Kim Picazio, myself and anyone who is associated with or in a national headline case makes me wonder.

Do we have have an ex-con who was once incarcerated (being a psychologist I am exploring her brain) for stalking a celebrity and was a prisoner?  This STALKER only stalks people in National Headline Cases. Or once were in a HLC.  I find her behavior very similar to a rapist or pedophile in some ways. This stalker has managed to place herself (even though she states she lives at a real address) at homes that do not belong to her and began using the name "Christine Ann Stark, because she told me the woman who moved out did not turn off her phone, so she assumed that name.  In 2007/2008 her blogs were poor and scattered.

Even though I did call this person once and chewed her out for harassing a abuse site, she laughed..."lol. I knew you would cal me one day. It's not me. It is Tracy."  Blame it one your "BFF?"  I am pretty sure Tracy is still in the background, hopefully she has wised up!

The fact a woman answered means nothing to me. I am assuming at this point she is a he and a dangerous he - he is.  Lives at a computer 24/7 and stalks and harasses others from 2005. It may go back further.  Never be fooled the person on the phone is the actual person blogging.  Remember to read the last email she/he write to me on this site.  Stating she can hide herself very well and very wise. Only a Ex-Con or one who has yet been caught, clearly is researching any and all ways to beat the system.

This person could easily be working with two people, both nerds and both CONS.

Another CONJOB? Probably!  Sorry about the quality. As you can see, she uses the Navy as her work title.  Incorrect. Not only did she NOT work there, she did not have a title, a desk, a computer or a phone. She, the woman in this email clearly believed she was an employee.  4 other victims called there and they too were told she worked their by this CON. I will know more after I send this new picture to the one who ran the department. She was a simple volunteer. Christine Ann Stark who also uses Kristine Stark.

It is logical the two do know each because the pictures clearly look related. Until we can actually locate her everything is a big if. However, her profile is that of a CON.  With a long history that dates back at a young age.

Her father could have been in jail or grew up in a foster home.  A mother who was abusive.  A middle child or the "ugly one."

Donna Tharp who uses BB11 in Florida stated that was her first modeling shot.  Is this the face of a Model?  Actress..yes. Model, no.

She/he  has no problem being home alone all day, everyday and only having friends online and all her friends are diabolical and evil.  Obsessed and vengeful. Their life is a void of NHL cases and being angry at someone or something aften mocking them. I would hate to sit at a dinner table with her/him.  Worse than discussing politics.

So while her followers are chomping at the bit to get any information they can on any case, in this person MIND the STALKER will do or say anything for a pat on the back. However, she has never worked with Leonard Padilla, Nancy Grace or any other names she has written. She has contact with Rev. Grund.  He admitted in an email they had spoke less than a year ago when she began stalking me again. And, again, I warn everyone when someone is about to disrupt their life or due something illegal if I get a valuable source. So far they have been dead on the nail.

Once one is obsessed, as STALKER is, without help - their obsession only increases and usually moves on to other's and starts again. In Stalking Starks mind, she/he has managed to take on many fake identities (selling her story to the national enquirer regarding Rev. Grund). Sending faxes out to anyone and everyone while I was on the HaLeigh case I was Not WAYANNE KRUGER.  Most know how that ended up for me because of her and because they did not listen to my warning. They will. Anyone involved with STALKING STARK will be on the civil suit.

Researching Donna Tharp is not easy task as well. More on the update I took down and am re-writing it with more details, pictures and as always, I will continue to post as much of her/him as I can get from the other victims as well.

She has no inside connections since The Anthony's and Casey are now hanging low.  However, she repeats information she is getting.  Just because you read it their first, does not mean she is inside unless, Grund and her are still mates.  It's not like I have not thought about this before.  I still cannot get my brain around a MAN OF GOD who is not only with her in her blogs about this small child now dead, but speaking with her.  And we do have a court system.  Casey was cleared of almost every charge because we, as Americans gave 12 people to decide if she was Innocent or guilty.  The obsession she has to continue on this road is tabloid trash.

What I have noticed is she/he is more obsessed with petite woman that are attractive and have or had a normal family with support and love.  If a she, was she bullied for being VERY LARGE as the ex boss stated if it is her? And, the picture she is using is from 1976.  The picture clearly shows she is a woman in her 30's.  That would make her 62-66 years-old!  That is if we use the age 30. I myself think more  35-38 years of age especially because the man in the picture was balding before she cropped him out and her deep lines around her mouth.

Luckily, I was one of the first ones to see the full photo prior to her chopping it when I was trying to locate her address and get a restraining order on her.

Anyone who believes a 72-year-old woman is doing this is nuts!  From the hair, the face, the casino background as I saw to this man, there is now way BB11 is that picture nor ever was.  Is it possible the man in the picture is?  Yes.

Again, she is not a "writer" "journalist" or a member of the press.  She has been on the internet stalking others dating back to 2005.  This is fact.

And her obsessive tweeting to her fake accounts she has opened that she tweets  back only indicates she is trying to find gratification because no one around her cares about what she does or everyone has cut all ties with her because of her obsessive personality.

With all her blogs she wrote about me as I sat in the hotel room, if Grund could not get her to take them down, so he wrote, only proves their is a very sick mind who will write or post anything even if they are told it's a lie.

Especially since STALKER is a Big Brother addict (a handle) and what I did find in MN, you will soon see....Are many "Starks" Male and female.

The typical computer stalker who is this obsessed with a string of victims from 2005 up to today will often sign up for services and credit card at a fake address all over the country.  By having mail sent under that name and address (I had my mail forwarded to a P.O. Box that shows up from 14 years ago on a search engine) will be put in the internet data base on the web.  Just because you think they live or use that address, does not mean itis not 15 years old, such as mine says under my pen name so mail would go to a P.O. Box and not my home.  Today it's worse.  Trying to locate anyone as good as STALKER is will be a nightmare until I get a actual phone number that is a smart phone and is not "hiding" her location. Almost all smart phones allow you to hide your location.

Unless you have worked in this field as long as I have - there are any ways one can hack, clone, cable feedback and more. Being a National Advocate and pissing off rapists or wacko's has caused many problems on my end.  So, if STALKER is on his/her cell or computer 24/7. 1. No kids. 2. No husband. 3. No family nearby 4. Lives secluded. 5. Has minimal if any friends at all. that alone is scary.  That is a profile of a CON. In many forms. This person seems to accelerate with technology, and has money.  I highly doubt this person is disabled now. Mentally, yes, physically, no.  This STALKER believes he/she is a famous person online named Christine Ann Stark and BB11.

Therefore, if this person was sued, still waiting for confirmation, it is possible they found more and this person was in prison and use to being in confined places.  I would not tip the boat though. She/he is making money. Enough to purchase an IP changer and other programs.  Disability to someone who has never worked is only about 500.00 a month.  One cannot live on that a week.

Money? Interesting. The Stalker is pretending to have information on NHL Cases.  It is possible that is all she does. Sells stories to tabloid as a "claimed."  Such as Grund.

I knew a woman once whom had a stalker for years. After he was finally arrested and behind bars, a male, he was able to change his name to her name and again steal her  identity.  Luckily she was also a part of our bill passed preventing inmates from changing their name, however, I can pretty well guess we are looking at two false identities and just because you cannot change while in jail in California anymore does not stop any perpetrator from changing their name after.  I guess I should work on the bill we did signed in nationally, but I have to much else to do.

For those who are reading, sign up at "follow me".  More information will be sent to your email.  I do not give out names or any information regarding any victims or person who signs on nor do I send out emails unless it's an update on stalking or something else about to be posted.

In the meantime as I update my last blog I had up. If you are a victim. If you wish to join the civil suit. If you have anything that leads to this real person, call me.  Power is in the people and we have our rights to live in a safe America and stress free without (aside from killers or gangs that continue and pedophiles) having someone attacking us and fabricating stories online or elsewhere. Invading your privacy. Trying to make money off a fake story in tabloid trash.  As I stated before, I will say again, anyone invlved with STALKER during Satsuma will be named in the civil suit!  There is a way to split the civil suit in two at the same time.

Anyone who is being stalked or harassed by this male/female will have their day in court, just I I will and anyone else who feed this stalker lie's.  We all know she twists everyone word into her own version of event in her MIND.  That is a dangerous person.

I will again state if Christine Ann Stark tried to insert herself in any case, run. Don't walk.  You are only asking for trouble. One day, your name may be on a civil suit next to hers because she involved you in something that destroys your life's work.

I am still taking down fake sites put up in my name and having to have others delete his/her posts about me.  Ongoing since 2008.

I was also informed if your are being attacked by any of her followers, that person is 99.9% a fake account and the STALKER.  Thus far I have found 6 today.

Update the last post tonight.

Wayanne Kruger
P.O. Box 1084
Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423
New Work Number 24/7

415 747-1984

Friday, February 3, 2012


Well, someone has hacked my account under "follow me" to direct you to this site. Full Screen Shot Below.

This is not my site.  I am working with blogger now to correct this and if you know who owns the site, turn them in as well.

I was hacked a while ago, have it all on video, and will upload that as well. Maybe someone can get a life and use their own site for followers instead of using mine!

Just because I have my own opinion of some, creating accounts, such as this, is pretty lame.  Obviously they cannot get enough people to follow THEIR CAUSE nor use their real identity.

How pathetic are you? Using my link to get more followers? Sorry. BUSTED.

My Google account is, if you do not see me wearing a hat while setting up a book-signing fundraiser, it is not mine.

Check back. More to come on these internet KooKs..


Stalking Stark's Other Victim A Rats Nest.

Stalking Stark Does Not Research Anthony On Her Own. Once Caught, She Attacks.  First email from Stalking Stark when I was a JOURNALIST who reported FACT on the CA case. She hit all my adds up and told everyone I was a fake person and more. In weeks I was receiving a ton of "fake" (I think) and some real accounts bombarding me with emails I would not repeat nor post.

From here on out - I will post all the lie's of emails she has sent me or anyone she stalks or harasses.  I will not put a victims name up. Please send me any emails of threats against you.

I do not care who you are any type of bullying is unjust and unfair if the person is not a convicted criminal killing or hurting another.

This is about cyber-stalking and cyber harassment ONLY and finding the real person pretending to be Christine Ann Stark.

Oct 19, 2008 9:34 PM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [?]
RE: No Subject
dont worry about me--i have more tools in my shed than just a hammer---unlike cindy- i am not a one trick pony---i been around the barn a long for nancy remmeber tim miller is her hero and her and her friends donate all the really big bucks to him tehy just do it on the down low...............

also ng begs for lenard to be on the show remeber lp is under contract and that company that owns his contract also is a praent comp to ng...follow the is all connected

ok one i am a single mom i answer to no one.........2 my son is almost 16.....i do not post recent photos or real names........duhhhh----i can not be traced.....even if u find my son his accts all lead to a fictious address name do mine.........i do use the name my father gave me---but he gave it to me 42 yrs ago-- i also had my divorce sealed years soon as my son won worlds and i found out threw a myspace frd that you could google him and find him--i stopped it all back in 2006.... google ps - will delete it all if u ask and i did.....all i said was it was a minor child please delete and they did in less than 3 days..........i covered myself well enough to let looky loos think they found me and covered it enough that a real looky could never find me........another words sometimes i let it fake slip so as to let peopel think they know who i am.........enough so they will stop once they get to that door but no one can actully find me.......not on the internet.......i learned my lesson well back in 2006.....people will stop when they think they have got you.....but hey thanks for your concern but its ok-- i got my back covered.......been doing this along time........

This site is still alive and it's only a matter of time before this woman is exposed.

Nov 5, 2008 6:23 PM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse

whats up with the justiceforcaylee. com web site?
what do you know about them?? can you research them for me??

The day I blocked Stalking STARK for writing CA was Lee Anthony's BIO daughter.

Her reply was to hit me up on a proven fake site.  Easier to post than post video's.  But I have more.

If you locate the REAL Stalker (we are researching a name and place now) email me.  As the Boss stated in MN. CHRIS STARK never mentioned having a son.  So who is her playmate hiding her?  Trust me, I have emails of that convo and how she hides herself.  A lawsuit will be filed under both names after we confirm UT and FL.

Nov 14, 2008 6:40 PM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [?]
why would you delette me?
i am hurt you would delete me and not speak to me first?

i thought we were friends??

i am hurt! i do not blame you for my site virus it is not your fault--i know that!!

you are a great human and advocate!!

i respect you

Stalking Stark

From: XX_XXX <>
To: Wayanne Kruger
Sent: Thu, February 12, 2009 2:23:12 PM
Subject: Re: Harrassment by "stark" continues.
I left a message with Officer Perry about her recent harassment.  I will keep you posted. 

On Feb 11, 2009, at 6:27 PM, Wayanne Kruger <> wrote:

From: XXX-XXXX <>
To: Wayanne Kruger <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:12:52 PM
Subject: Harrassment by "stark" continues.

A lot of harassing calls and conversations today by Stark and Tracy. I'm so upset! I am over it. I don't need her crap. She's certifiably crazy.
The stress they are putting on me at this stage xxxxxx horrible. I'm sick and shaking from the abuse. It has to stop. 

I was just a journalist/advocate on myspace who blocked someone. Now she is asking for a full research?  You have no idea how many she did and how many she found. And how many she stalked.
Subject: Fwd: do a background check on

On Nov 24, 2008, at 5:51 AM, "Stark" <> wrote: to her researcher who realized she had better contact me.
To: Wayanne Kruger <
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2009 7:12:52 PM
Subject: Search

Wayanne Mae Kruger
10350 W. McDowell # 1162
Avondale, AZ. 85392

480 399-7166
Wayanne Kruger is the mother of Desiray Kruger. Wayanne KLEIN wrote the book associated with Desiray. Wayanne's last name is not Bartak as far as I can tell.

As always pretending she knows other's.  This email was sent to me when I told her she would be sued for her blogs.  Everything written were lie's. She did not have a source. LP confirmed he did not have contact with Chris Stark.

From: BB11-Chris
Date: Oct 19, 2008 5:30 PM

hey hey i responded to ur comment-- in the blog--but i feel the same way as u do exactly anyways

najame is cindy and ga attorney but he has hired the lady i do the research for she is in cali and i am in mn they are in why would someone knowing i write blogs trashing cindy hire me to do the research plus they want the research i have already done which is of course the best in the business?? keep this between us its not for the public......... 
Oct 19, 2008 7:19 PM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [?]
From: BB11-Chris
Date: Oct 19, 2008 5:30 PM
RE: No Subject

i have all the money i need at this point in my life its not the money its the justice......i have a thing about educating people and open comminucation i think if we get our ass out of the sand and start looking and asking questions we can help prevent a murder or abuse....i cant not accept money on caylee back..........if najame or cindy think they can stop me by waving money in my face well thet guessed wrong........they suck at that stuff dont they?.....padilla and i get along but sometimes i want to kick him--i give him info and his researcher/producers gets it wrong or gives it to hom wtong or he cant remeber right---whatever the communicatin problem is it exists --i get that it is hard to get questions thrown at u and expected to know the answer and rember every detail but thats why he gets paid thebig bucks to be the mouth piece but i will tell you since i screamed my lungs out about 2 weeks ago padilla has been accurate since.......padialla researcher gets her stuff from me and one other person...all padilaa does is the talk show tv stuff he is a talking head and everyone else does the work....notice the connection; producer, researcher, me, nancy grace, padilla,,,,,its a small world and ps--tim miller is in it to i am not connected to any of these peopel except that my research goes to 2 people those two are connected to the producer.....who is connected to padilla and tim miller and nacy grace.....also on webslueth when the detective was out for 6 weeks cause he was injured from a motorcycle accident he came on our site webslueth and chatted everyday.........nothing about casey....though....

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Stalking Starks Other She Has Stalked

From: AXXX <>
To: Wayanne Kruger <>
Sent: Thu, January 21, 2010 12:36:49 AM
Subject: RE: My contact information

You are right in that you are apparently not the only one she has harrassed. I got a call from a Navy officer stationed in Coronado about seven months ago who said both he and his wife were suffering the same sort of harrassment, also asking for my help. I was about to confont" Chris"  about this at our next board meeting when she abruptly resigned. That was seven months ago. Chris did say at the time of  her resignation from our volunteer Navy League board that she was essentially bed-bound. She did appear to be in poor health, so that much jives with what you know. I don't think she has any clue that people have contacted me about her behavior.

As for her assuming someone else's identity, I do have many connections and ties with the local authorities. She never made any mention of land or a house in Hawaii. As far as I know, she still lives right here in MN. If it is the real Chris.  She did not have a computer. She did not have access to any office communications. She never mentioned a child.

The link and picture on her myspace account and the one you send me, the same as her myspace with the four leaf clovers is not the Chris Stark who volunteers at the Navy League and if she is using our information in any email that presumes she is an employee I would call the FBI immediatly if the local police do not file charges against her for stalking. There is not even a hint of a elderly Chris that stands out. I am positive that woman is not Chris Stark..

I am very sorry Wayanne. I wish I could have confronted Chris before she quickly disappeared. I has several calls over time and then in a short span I was contacted by 4 more calls. They had also complained of harrassment and stalking. I did contact the board. I planned on confronting her during our next staff meeting with volunteers. She never came back.

I have no further information about her sudden departure and with the proper channels I will be happy to release any information we have in our files to help capture this person who has a string of victims from Canda to California.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The pitfalls of child custody and why REAL victims of Abuse are not being heard.

Sorry, wrong time got mixed up in email overload.

My client did exellent without me.

I am schduled to be on again on february 19, 2012 with updates on this case that will be going public very soon. And on February 19th another client of Wayanne's will be on. This time slot is for men and is focused on abuse, custody and more.,,,, 

Limited time. From now until February 10th, I am donating 50% of the proceeds of  Inborn Justice: A Daughter's Courage, a Mother's Hear, First Edition, to Dream Catchers.Org.

Read the book before this show and do not purchase any books online. The money is not going to charity.

Keep up with real facts that molester and pediphiles are only spending 1/ their sentence in prison while many charges are plea bargained or dropped.

Please contact for more details.  The work Star and her staff is doing is amazing!  Every penny counts.
Wayanne Kruger

Monday, January 23, 2012

Stalking Stark: Meet The Picture Not The Person

Just when you think your Internet stalker is gone - think again.
Just like any good stalker, they always come back! stark3923
She also has two other twitters boo11/boo12
 Of course her profile remains the same as long as she can use her game numbers she is obsessed with
finding her online is simple
Soon her new new fake profiles on MySpace's will be frozen as well. 
She has been banned from MySpace.
Is a undercover 3 year investigation I did on MySpace after the murder of 
Tylor Bahls Stalked Online and Murdered
copyright wayanne kruger

This is now a full manuscript in editing.
Here is just one of  MANY subjects I used.
If this is her real picture. 
"A wake-up call to everyone that use social networks. Author and advocate  Wayanne Kruger has proven to be a staunch advocate who is exposing perpetrators around the world.  After reading Meet The Picture Not The Person, you will start deleting anyone who begins to pry into your private life online that you do not know. Scary as hell..." National Library Tribune, Cynthia Kronochia

The picture her "boss" has repeatedly stated to every victim who tracked down the information she wrote on her emails claiming she worked at said "that is NOT Chris."  

After over a year of stalking  I had no idea who I blocked. Where she lived. How to locate her. Suddenly, after contacting everyone she ever mentioned in her bogus emails, the victims poured in because I refused to let this internet stalking stop me from warning others she would do to them as she has done to me. 

I was just a journalist writing on the Anthony case. An advocate who cared about what others said about this child's life.  In pictures, it was obvious she had a good life.  So why trash a murdered child's name by calling her a daughter of incest?  I almost gave up.  However,  Tylor's death weighed heavy on my mind.  How could this social network lead to murder?  My research became reversed. Now, I was being stalked.  It was as if God had placed her on my site so I would continue my work with MySpace and it did not take long before many of us victims realized...this stalker would not go away. 

Her mind does not travel with our universe. Her life is a complete and total void without blogging something that hurts others.  She lives her life enjoying her prey.  One email came in by one of her "new" victims...

"someone she knew hid her cell phone and took apart her computer and paperclip cut outs she had  set up on her bed.  All she did was bitch and complain what a nightmare it was for her to get everything back together.  She did not care she let another person down because of her obsession blogging!  That is when I realized, this woman is nuts!"

As time passed, after the HaLeigh case, I almost forgot about those days, nights, emails and threats on every site she could link up to my private MySpace.  Then suddenly after a 6 month hiatus from all internet, she pops up again.  This time she is obviously still following all that I did. I went dark on all cases publicly. Ended my days on my MySpace and typed. 

What is the difference between a murderer and a stalker? One takes your life, the other will do anything to control your life.  Break you down into a cold sweat so you will stop all activity. All your work. Everything you put your heart, mind and soul into. 

There are two kinds of stalkers. I have had  both.  I got back on the internet and researched Attorney Andrew Vachss and everything he experienced and where he was today. Now somewhat out of hiding, I knew I was as well.  It was time to not only go public, but to expose the stalker who is still online and still obsessed on the Anthony case and still obsessed with me. 

As an author I write facts.  She can claim she is an "Open Book" but I know otherwise. I have had the best investigators, even Dominic Casey contacted me and asked if I knew where she lived.  Everyone is trying to locate her, not just myself.  However we are closing in and with new cyber-laws to protect us, her day's are numbered as the suits begin pour in. Not the size of a Hummer, a train.  Soon her tracks will be derailed and every victim will stand together and watch as if it was a public execution, not just "Stark" the list of names are long.  It's not about the money, it's about victory.  Just as everyone wants their perpetrator behind bars, this case will be closed.


If  you have not heard by now since 2008 I have had a nut - case loony stalk me from Myspace, FaceBook, cases via email, land line, cell and fax. I have every email she sent to my friends, husband his step-daughter's relative asking some questions about me and more video on her and her blog than pictures of my Grand kids. Lord God almighty. This, if a real picture of her, is the face of a cyber stalker. Why? Because I blocked her after she posted that Caylee Anthony's father was Lee Anthony and she quoted "I know for a fact LE Anthony is the father of Caylee!"

As a journalist who adheres to all (I do hold a press pass) and as an advocate; bloggers, writer's and these so called TABLOID online trash sites that pocket money or write anything to spin their favorite celebrity who gives them some float, I do not. I do not associate myself with anyone who Plays In The Devils Orchard hurting others before actual facts are released.  

The Caylee Anthony case and HaLeigh case has caused such an uproar, many victims who have a missing child fear to speak to police. TV shows that can help parents gain a platform for media.  I've witnessed excellent journalist go dark over some cases.  Art Harris whom I highly look up to as an advocate fell into the same black hole as I did.  Everyone has their version of events.  When I heard a tape and how backed into a corner he was over tying to be a journalist and report - I could visualize him shaking. Not knowing how to get out of the mind games that took place.  After all, who was the reporter and who was "searching for HaLeigh?"  Did it make a difference what names got on TV? With HaLeigh, yes!  

I advised my client to not go on.  The focus was on HaLeigh.  When I saw what Kim Picazio was blurting out I could not help but wonder what happened to the media attorney I got for them?  Is she for real? "team?" What about custody?  I'm still grateful I got out.

Since the HaLeigh Case, Nancy Grace has not been able to get a decent story to run long enough for many to remember the names of each abduction. And, you have not seen many parents or families on any other shows.  To be brutally honest, this stalker not only hurt stalking victims, she inserted her name in emails and associated herself with anyone and everyone she could as if she was releasing a press release.  On MySpace.   More than half her followers were bogus accounts.  I bring this up because of the email I got from STALKER.  Get a load of this. She gave Leonard Padilla kick in the ass for not saying the correct information and had to straighten him up!

I give credit were credit is due and Nancy is the best platform we have today for gaining media on missing/murdered children.  

To enlighten a bit more on the work I had done; I did have a media attorney (not KP) to meet with the family on Thurday.  I am not sure what took place; I was checking into my hotel after my ride failed to show up and drive me to the airport.  However, I will not use his name, Marie and Crystal were informed as was KP  the meeting was to take place at their donated home. 

We had two attorney. One for media and one for child custody.  To my surprise, after landing and at home their media attorney was replaced by a child/divorce attorney. My texts with his name are saved as is everything that went in and out.  After reading the BARR complaint, that includes STALKING STARK,





I will not get into all of the specifics because that will be in my book and as you will read below, I have already filed a case and waiting to get her actual name and REAL address.  If she felt she is so Innocent than why not send me or anyone her real information and lets battle this out in court. As of now there are 3 police reports filed on her and Myspace still has her account frozen for the DA.

Those who have also been stalked by her, that keep in contact with me,  are worried sick it will begin again. I don't blame them one bit.

I just ran across another post she made about me on a site after a year of silence. Ugh. They just do not go away do they? This might be a good thing.  I suppose a court order to google may just locate her real IP. Check back. The email and letter will be sent out today.

I have tons of emails with normal names on MySpace she emailed a "friend" asking her to run a background search on them.  Why?  Who is she running from?  From housewives to Grandma's who have never used MySpace until Caylee Anthony went missing and then on to me.  That was how I found out I was about to be another victim of her stalking obsessions.  She requested a "friend" who has access to a data base to get a minors (victim) case so she could blog it. That minor would be my daughter! She could of read my book like everyone else! I guess spending money is NOT her thing.

Just as Attorney/Advocate Andrew Vachss and other advocates who fight a world of crime -sadly, we have at one point in time had to "go dark" because you are going to get your crazy people. There comes a time when enough is enough.   Some you blow off.  However, Stalking Stark, Troy Casper (fake name as well) & Connie Bedwell are a flipping mess.

All about The Connie Bedwell Case above.  Sorry Connie.  I did not have the Internet to go on your site as you posted on my daughter's FB.  Your constant harassment is well noted. So be careful what one Lie's about. And, everyone knows that if I have something to say, I don't waste my time making a fake account. I have no problem speaking my mind and using my name.

So on behalf of all  3 of us who wish to proceed with a civil suit, hit me up or call me.  This is a small taste of what Stalking Strak has done to myself, husband, daughter and clients while working on a high profile case and a private case.

She tracked down my daughter in Italy and posted that in a blog while I was on a case and sent the url to a friend.   Now that is insane. Cyber Stalker like to interrupt the work you are doing.
A huge misconception is that men are stalkers, however, statics show that 74% of women are not the type to stand on a corner or follow you in a car, even though that does happen in obsession cases and gangs. Women cyber stalk you.  Just as Connie Bedwell is doing to each and everyone who turns her down on her case.  Another fruit loop. I am just the only one, aside from the above Link and one other site that blew her cover.

Most stalker or insecure mental cases, such as Stark, Troy (who ever she is) and Bedwell will contact anyone in your circle or anyone you may not get along with well so they can post anything and everything to give you a headache when you are living a nice, quiet normal life.  They will fabricate anything just so they can get a thrill rush.  It's a adrenaline high of such.  With the new cyber laws, we now can protect ourselves. Thank you Jesus!

A stalker, such as this, will sit at a computer for hours and write emails to people, such as my media contacts I have  that are pages long about a person they do not know.  Ask any reporter. They get the same type of emails. They are fanatic!  They think they know their victim IN THEIR HEAD.  Stalker's such as Stark, never quit. Once fixated, like most stalkers online it's never a good outcome for the victim until you A. Have them arrested. B. Win your suit. C. Get their mug shot on the Internet and their true identity is exposed as well as all the facts. We are working on just that.

This mama bear comes out when a  Internet blogger uses the Internet to stalk, trash, bully, harass and cause so much undue stress during a time when a family is suffering and a child is missing, being abused and/or private and confidential informations is twisted into an outlandish story like tabloid trash and those on the Internet fall for this crap. They live in a reality show in their head on the computer.

However, there is more than 3 of us. 4 other women (I have their emails and one on tape when she filed a police report) were harassed so bad on Myspace by Stalking Stark and her friend Tracy, they are no longer online.  Last email I got - "WS was going to shove my iPhone up my Arse." Oh really? Just as LP is going to come after me? Threats ladies. Illegal move. All printed. All in my case file. All using your email and I am not the only one they sent threatening emails to.

What the heck does she do in life?  Did she get a deep thrill once she located my daughter  in Italy as she posted on her MySpace blog? Salivate? Sweat? Did she get chills and thrills?  Did she pop another cork of  wine and celebrate this HUGE finding with her Internet drama seekers who looked up to her as if she was a female Anderson Cooper in Haiti?  What makes her mind tick? Lord only knows what goes on in her brain, however, I am not a fool when it comes to wicked and uncontrollable mental cases. After all, I deal with molesters and rape victims all the time and to this day, I still don't know what moves a grown man to desire to touch a child nor do I understand a cyber stalker that pretends to be someone else online. There is an old saying.  "If you have something to say, say it to my face!"  They don't. Cyber Stalker hide behind their computer. 

Her followers, if that is what you desire to call them, ate this crap up as if my daughter was Lisa Marie Presley. She could not understand why she had so many hits on her Myspace. Very odd if not scary odd. Actually, for the two others, it's more scary than odd.  As for myself, it's wickedly insane.

Since the HaLeigh Case I have not released any information on the Internet of what I am doing in private or public until the time comes.  They are all aware of her  - as is everyone who had seen all the video's I have of  her blogs.  The last thing my clients need is a wacko stalker hurting or stalking another family while I am on their case, such as the HaLeigh case.

In 2009 she stalked me to Satsuma.  I have emails and texts with Attorney Kim Picazio, who was trying to match her identity up anywhere in MN. All she could come up with was a possibility that someone in MN is helping her in an apartment complex. The local police could not find her after all of us gave them her home address. NOTHING! 
As you read in her BLOG she states she has never contacted me! 
This is just one post she made on a site that was open after I blocked her from my private site:
BB-11 commenting on my site for child abuse. That account is also frozen along with many more as are all emails, pictures and video that prove she began stalking me after I told her I was an advocate and would not associate myself to her disgusting blogs of a
Murdered or Missing Child, Caylee Anthony whom she posted 100% without a doubt is the child of her Uncle, Lee Anthony. Who writes that when a child is missing?

OK, now this one is a bit freaky. Cyber Stalker freaky blogs.  Why does it matter that I have a iPhone?  Who blogs that?  Seriously. Why do people comment on a blog during a time a child is missing and the mothers advocate is using her iPhone to put together free help? Is she against Apple? Upset she doesn't have one? Is she in a pretend world on her Myspace blog writing a novel using 22 size-red font with bold yellow highlight to make sure if you don't see a woman in Satsuma with a iPhone, it's not me? hmm...Still trying to figure that blog out.

Big news.  Hold the press on HaLeigh Cummings. Call in Nancy Grace. Crystal Sheffield's advocate has a iPhone! I'm surprised she did not post what I ate for dinner the night prior. 

It was Pizza, BTW. The night before she blogged - the whole family got together and we had Pizza! FYI, it was really good. I truly adored Marie's son and his GF.  In fact, one one nightly blog, I was book-signing for the family so they could sale the books after I left. STALKER uploaded it after I was checked into the hotel.  I had to take the cheese off the pizza. Never the less, if I were in town again, I would order another pizza!  I seriously must find some humor in nutt cases after her latest I cannot control my finger post that suddenly appeared a few months ago.

Timothy Holmseth is Wayanne's Employee. I callled the FBI. Come on Levi'. Journalist?  

I called the FBI so I could find this women and hoped she did leave a name and address.  On tape. He stated not one call was made against me. Not just in MN, as she states she lives on your BLOG. Oops!  So last two years you have lived in UT, as you claim, but in your STALKING AND CYBER-BULLYING  (already video and prnt scrn) you moved back to UT?  BRAIN!  Must be those "pills" you refilled that = "oh, shit, I forgot. I live in UT!" 

Another lame post: "Yes I know my stalker is back."  Who were you commenting to?  No one asked if you knew. LOL.  Again, acting as if people are giving you info and you are posting as if you are responding to a real person. Just like Jane Doll on your fake Myspace that is now Alex. Yes, I have Jane Dolls Picture.  Some poor beauty queen who has no idea you stole her picture and was posting yourself on your


I just received a new fake account she changed from Jane Doll to Alex. Link in my last post on her.  Seems like we have a Jane Doll, Alex, BB-11, BB-12, Boo 11 Boo 12.  Can she not use one name?  Because she is trying to avoid a HIGH PROFILE law suit!

The woman just hits the keys on her board and comes out with such lie's many victims are scared to go online.

And, I'm fairly certain Levi  directed stalker to this idiotic blog that is another random thought adding my name. MEDIA, MEDIA, MEDIA. Not working anymore?   All you can update are blogs about Kim Picazio?   Sorry dears. I'm not in the loop and have been off the Internet aside from my cell for email and FB since my Ankle shattered. I did not even know Tim was arrested until that blog was posted last week!

I am against what TH is doing on his website, however, what others do is their own work  not mine.  I do not report anything 'unconfirmed" and the video tape of  Rev. Grund is BULLSHIT passed on by a man who imitates himself as an FBI agent.

No one showed me a badge to leave Satsuma. All will be exposed and these lie's that have been shared when I was there via WS with witnesses as to a normal day (yes, ill but alert)  heading to the airport and being escorted by Aviation Police to the gate by Officer Brady because John Regan is the one who showed him a badge and said "her life was in danger" due the the HaLeigh case.  It peeves me that Aviation Officer Brady was not interviewed on the real story. PCSO needs to investigate this "badge" he showed another official.  I "stayed there and would not leave."  Geez people. Get a clue. I have video and cell records to back up my full story.  Report facts! 

I've done my own research and continue to do so.  I do not commit perjury. Anyone who had contact with STALKER in Satsuma, email me. Everything you have because this case is now going PUBLIC and her last post only proved she will NEVER go away!  It's time for this advocate to fight back.
 Stalking Stark I know who is your "main man." I have every single blog talk post you made to "your main main"  and guess what?  UPDATE AS OF FEB 3, 2012: When I am able to finally locate an address or COUNTY to file this suit, it appears "your main man who was traipsing through the woods" is not very happy about all the blogs you stated he gave you.  I hope you taped this interview!  One or all is being added.

Just a tast of her posts on Blog Talk BNN: "I Love You. You Are My Hero" as he dissed this mother.  You cannot hide anymore.  Levi, she may now get fixated on you. Give it time. Her real personality always comes out. She is also mentioned in the BARR complaint of CS VS KP.  I suggest you read the FULL BARR Complaint.

As my primary doctor said "sometimes reality is stranger than fiction." Yes. I would have to agree! Trying to hide my clients is not easy from the three stooges above.  And anything posted just builds a case.  I've had to deal with some pretty sad, sad humans in my life. This one tops the cake of  Women are from Venus Stalking Stark has her own planet!

I take my work seriously. And, I have all the time in the world to sit back and watch her go wacko again on another network site such as she did on Levi Pages Blog.  Stalking Stark, I appreciate that. It was only a matter of time before you  would begin again. That is what stalker do! I know. My husband and kids had to deal with constant bombs. Our saying in the family was "It's to quiet. I feel a bomb coming." It always did. 

Reminds me of some victims who are beyond repair. Another quote; Once a victim, always a victims. I'm sure you get the drift.  

Without any drama they have to find something to get attention.  It's a cycle. A pattern. They just cannot live in a normal environment and have to create something to either A. Get a thrill or B. Get a pat on the back and buddy up with other drama addicts. Highs, Lows.  Ups and downs. I'm dizzy just typing!

For the record, no one is my employee nor did anyone say I was. That would be pretty idiotic if I hired someone to be my "employee" to research something I am already researching on my own. 

I do not agree on much aside from Misty is Innocent and John Regan along with Jeremiah prevented me from doing what an advocate does with their many pit stops and relentless lie's, corruption and being deceptive to a family while their child was MISSING.  Prevented me from working, along with Stalking Stark and her GURU.   

If my local  Police station felt they should be investigated after they tried to "blackmail" me. All on file. All on audio. All documented in a police report, I cannot help but wonder what the PCSO is not saying. I am sure they have been doing their research as well.

As long as the mother believes HaLeigh is alive, I believe she is alive. Finding HaLeigh is up to the PCSO and FBI.  Unlike Levi, I do not post or write anything without it verified.  As long as there is no body, I, as well as all family member need to hold onto the hope that their child is alive. And, unlike others, I do not fabricate stories, rumors edit anything and blog it.

I  think Stalking Stark was on a spaceship again.  "The man upstairs" and/or  "Man of God?"  Well, we have two men of God in this picture. Speak up. Let it out. Get it off your chest. Die with dignity. Do it as an example to your kid. Find a spine. Make that leap.  Your not a "journalist" and you can't take the 5th! Better yet, call me and give me your full name and address and all your "sources." You're disabled and live on your bed 24/7 remember? Who cares if you give me names. What are they going to do? Stalk you?

This is how flipping crazy people are.  What is it that controls those finger tips of  cyber stalkers to continue to type their victims name in Google for anything they can comment on?  Especially when the person they stalk  is working with a family of a MISSING CHILD?

What motivates a STALKER to cause such drama and frustration when the only thing the fam needs to stay focused on is making it out of bed and eating? 

Good job putting WS in the picture before the family met the other PI. After all, you blogged it. yes, Stalking Stark took all credit for her ability to move WS in because I was still researching another PI.   A plus. You go girl. That went over well.  I hope you read the BARR complaint this mother wrote.  It's not like there was no witnesses to all the madness.  

How does it feel knowing you were a part of ripping this mother's heart out not once, not twice, but over and over and over again as "your main man" was chumming up to Ronald Cummings and turned on his client!   Then he went on live radio and called her a "whore!" "I love you Cobra!"  Sweet.  Impressive.  I'm sure that flight you blogged that you claimed Kim Picazio paid for the day I flew out - must have been a good trip for you. Any pictures? Ticket stubs? How about the name of the hotel and who picked you up at the airport?  Describe any restaurants inside or post a receipt. How about the Airport you landed at? I'm sure you saved a HaLeigh T-Shirt, Button or Neckless.  I know what they had then.  Please email anything. twitter your fake picture and pretend away. To this day, if real, you have not called me to give me a REAL address nor anyone else.  Anyone can assume a name and fake location.

If the mother of this poor kid found the strength within, I suggest she blast "the team"and STALKER with a civil law suit for invasion of privacy and misleading them in a false direction that has literally turned into a circus on the Internet.  From BB-11 to Z. All of em!  

So, as I am video taping all her posts that she claims she received from "a man upstairs" um, was it God?  Does she have a cell line to our Father, Son or Holy Ghost and he A. Was testing her to see if she would post Lie's about others again or B. This supposed disease she tells people she has that has made her bedridden 24/7  has making her loopy.   Try Narcissist.  Love the 10 page letter you emailed out about me as if you and I were buddy's.  Not one person in my family has EVER contacted her!  Aside from my daughter's emails telling me what a "nutt case" she was before I blocked her.

Wow. I'm impressed GOD forgot I was checked into a hotel room and NOT at anyone's house along while posting about  her "main main" who was TRAIPSING thru the woods.  Hmm.

What "main main" could that be?  Who was traipsing through the woods who told her to go "dark."

Gee, let's get a bit deeper into this wacko stalker who thinks she can find her way out of this small problem she has got herself in.

Good blogging, pea brain. "She barracaded herself in the room and they are waiting for the cops to come and get her on a 5150."  The room I slept in - before the owner asked the family to move (it was just a temporary place for this poor family who lived too far to drive back and forth everyday while a search was going on) and after I was also checked into a hotel; had NO FURNITURE aside from a popped blue blow-up mattress.  There was NO lock on the door. No chair. No dresser. Not even a pillow!  And the same time she was posted, I was not only video taping it, I have texts back and forth to an assistant who helping me locate several PI's and attorney's by checking their credentials. William Stauba was NOT a PI. He was a Bounty Hunter obsessed to get on this case.! Meanwhile, my sweet hubby was monitoring the stalkers site and copying everything posted as I had him on speaker.


Even better. I love this one.  I "called her" and asked her to "take the high road." Excuse me. My cell records have already been turned over to the detective and attorney along with every number in and out. You are not on there!

She has harassed my family, friends and contacted my clients with made up Lie's because she is obsessed with anyone and everyone who is involved with National Headline Cases and I am a "private advocate" who does NOT dish out dirt in the media while I am on a case nor do I contact other journalists or advocates and mess with them on a job....Only Stalkers do that.

1.  She does not live in MN. Attorney Kim Picazio and I researched her and found NOTHING! If she does. She is in hiding.

2.  I contacted the "employer" she wrote on all emails and Myspace she worked for as did 4 other victims and guess what? There was a Chris Stark but her picture and information did not match up! I can attest, in no way shape or form are you speaking to a REAL person with that  myspace picture that states is her.   Unless it was 40 years old.

3.  I contacted Law Enforcement with the address she is listing, which is many and they cannot locate her.

4.  So I video taped and saved every blog posted. Now she is still using the identity, however, her Myspace Accounts have been frozen by Myspace (you cannot see them now) and they are just on the server until the DA can get an address on her along with two other stalking victims of the past.

5.  Stalking Stark goes by Katie, Chris, Christine and many more Alia's with many IP we found on her and on Ebay.  I have my own Detective who last tracked her down to Florida and that information was given to the Orange County DA's office after I was notified she was taping conversations of people in the Casey Anthony trial on the phone.  Uh..Oh...Yup. She has a IP changer. Have that email as well.  Thus far I will not put up the last name I have on her until we can confirm it is her..however...

6.  If you have this woman's address and real name  email or call me at or 415 419-6014. I would like nothing better than to file a civil suit against her for slander as well as two others who she has stalked in the past.

Be careful of the Internet people. "Meet The Person Not The Picture."

Oh, if you are wondering why they did not call Richard Grund to the stand on the Casey Anthony trial. Stalking Stark taped his phone calls.  Hello people. If you are on a National Case, I will say this again.  Do NOT start talking to people on the Internet or someone you think is safe!  You have no idea who they really are nor what monetary or media gain they are trying to get.  So play in the Devils Orchard or get out and follow your Advocate and/or Attorney's advice.

 I will leave out Art Harris.  Sad to say, but as myself, he too was a victim in this charade.  I've know Art since our case and at many trials as a JOURNALIST/ADVOCATE